18 August, 2020
Restaurantes en Rosarito Baja California Mesa Segura CANIRAC

Find out what restaurants are working in Rosarito to serve you at «Mesa Segura»

Although we know that the presence of the COVID-19 virus is a reality worldwide, prevention and special care will help us stay healthy. Aware of this, restaurateurs in Playas de Rosarito have adopted the concept of "Safe Table" with the intention of reactivating their activities without neglecting the health of their guests and collaborators.
20 August, 2020
Hoteles en Rosarito

Tourist services and the Coronavirus, Playas de Rosarito

The Playas de Rosarito hotels in conjunction with the Association of Hotels and Motels, have carried out the following preventive actions, so that guests, visitors and collaborators feel safe during their stay.
20 August, 2020
Visitar Playas de Rosarito Hotel

What recommendations should you follow when visiting Playas de Rosarito

Are you considering traveling to Rosarito soon? While hotels and restaurants, as well as other establishments are implementing health and hygiene protocols, our visitors can contribute to promote a safe environment and thus be able to enjoy their visit to the city. Here are some recommendations for your trip to Rosarito.
26 August, 2020

The beaches in Rosarito reopen

After several months of confinement and closed places such as restaurants, recreational areas and beaches, we can finally return to one of the places that we most missed visiting this season, the beaches of Rosarito, following certain rules, from Monday to Friday from 6 to 10 in the morning and from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.